Sunday, December 28, 2008


Christmas has come and gone again and once more I resemble Santa a lot more after Christmas than I did before Christmas. On Christmas Eve we put out carrots for the reindeer and scotch and cookies for Santa (mmmmmm cookies). The small stockings were hung up for lollies and chocs and the large stockings were under the tree waiting for Santa to "fill 'er up". The kids were told we were not getting up any earlier than 6:30 by our clock. At 6:15 Alex walked into our room to read the clock 'without waking us'. He was making every effort to be inconspicuous and allow us some sleep. He was about as successful as a Marching band would have been, given the same task, and his foot steps sounded like he had a block of flats attached to each foot. So up we get and have that magical morning that only comes once a year, with the kids excited about the presents and the animals excited about all the packaging. We were on a tight schedule and needed to be out of the house by 9:20. First stop was the Macri's to drop off a present each for their dogs. Next Dan's parents' to drop her and the kids off. Next was my mum's house to drop off Capt'n Jack and back to Dan's parents' by 11:15 for more present opening and a big christmas lunch. By 3pm we were packing up again now with heaps of presents stuffing the boot of the Two-Cans (Hyundai Tucson). Of to my Mum's to catch up with more family, open more presents and catch up with Captain jack. Dinner was at 8pm and went through to 11pm and also involved a call from my Dad in Thailand to wish all a Merry Christmas. Finally after 12am we retired to bed at mum's place and didn't get home till midday on Boxing day. Since then it has been a blur of kids' friends in the pool, left over ham, endless boxes of chocolates and regular naps and watching the Boxing day test match. We have wound down and now comes the struggle to ramp up to get back to work tomorrow, shake off the christmas gut and start getting runs on the board in the New Year. We won't be doing anything for NYE but we are having a few friends over on new years day and that will wrap up the party season for me. It's been great but it also knocks you around a bit and I always look forward to getting back into a rhythm in the new year. Merry Christmas everyone and a very Happy and safe New Year.

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