Wednesday, November 26, 2008


OK enough is enough! I'm happy to let the women-folk gossip and play and generally muck up and sort out their own problems but when it starts to disrupt the frequency and quality of my dinner it's time for me to step in. (yes that was supposed to be patronising) There is an old chinese saying that goes; "a wise man once lived alone on a hill but for a small goat and a crow that would visit each morning. Each day the crow would ask the man how long he would live and wise man would answer, "long enough". 42 years passed until one day the goat ran away but the crow still came and asked , "how long will you live"?. The answer then came from the wise old man, "ah fuck off ya stupid crow can't you see i'm looking for my friggin goat"? - I can't remember the point i was trying to make but it's a good saying (or story). ....anyway where was I ? - oh yes, thats right - stepping in! Look, enough whining and crying and worrying and wringing of hands. If anyone is having a worse day than Narelle on a school day you can complain but otherwise cheer the f#$K up! you are all friends - sort it out! If everyone is not happy happy joy joy friends again by the weekend I'm going to get involved and tell it like it is. And embarrass everyone by showing how simple having a conversation is. Oh, and have a nice day!

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