Saturday, January 24, 2009

You know, when I was the voice of reason, saying that keeping a small (for now) puppy when we have two cats that we complain about constantly, is a very bad idea, everyone thought i was a bit mean. "Aaww look at him!, I mean her!", they would say! or "Isn't he, I mean her cute?" I explained again and again it was not a free dog, it would need desexing(once we agreed what sort of bits it had), microchipping, it would need a kennel etc etc. Dogs need a lot of attention and plenty of exercise!!!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah they all said! It'll be ok! Well we are some weeks, 4567 poos, 25 dog toys, one kennel, 3 tonnes of dog food, a shredded lounge, 5 carpet stains, 2 doc mucas smeared glass doors, 10 swimming lessons, 10 surfing rides and a pair of chewed up goggles later and Jack the gender bending dog (GBD) had started to become an extremely naughty dog. I worked out that because of all the attention the dog was starting to feel like it was the boss. Well I wasn't going to have any of that nonsense! There's only one boss around here and thats Danielle! The kids have been told to treat the dog like you would a street mime. You secretly want to play but you don't want it to see you watching or it will single you out and become unbearable. Whenever we walk outside the dog is ignored until it sits. Jack the GBD then gets a pat and sometimes a biscuit. He I mean she has done very well so far and will sit on command and has stopped being so nippy and jumping up. I also brought home some Pallets (not CHEP ones - they were rubbish)and nailed them together to make a simple gate. We can lock Jack GBD away when we have scared kids over. After all we don't scared kids to become scarred kids. Anyway, there have been moments went they have all been a hair away from getting rid of the dog (including Danielle the goddess), but the committment has been made Jack GBD is now part of the family for better or worse and adds another dimension to this crazy old menagerie ! Just quietly I reckon the dog is great!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

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